Beat Black & White Kyurem in GO Tour Unova Los Angeles 2025

The new Legendary monsters, Black Kyurem and White Kyurem, have been released as 5-Star Raid Bosses in the GO Tour Unova Los Angeles 2025 event. To beat these powerful foes, players need to prepare thoroughly.

Black and White Kyurem share identical stats and type weaknesses and resistances. As Dragon and Ice-type monsters, they are weak to Fairy-type moves, Fighting-type moves, Rock-type moves, Steel-type moves, and Dragon-type moves. They have no weakness to Electric-type, Grass-type, or Water-type moves.

The best counters for Black Kyurem and White Kyurem use move types that exploit their weaknesses. Look for raid counters with fast and charged moves under the same type of attack bonus (STAB) potential for maximum damage output.
