Asteroid 2024 YR4 No Longer Threatens Earth in 2032

Scientists have reassessed the threat posed by asteroid 2024 YR4 and now believe it will not impact Earth’s surface. The asteroid, discovered on December 27 last year, had been deemed a potential threat to our planet due to its proximity to Earth and initial estimates suggesting a high chance of collision.

However, recent observations have significantly reduced the asteroid’s chances of hitting us. According to NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, the impact probability has dropped to just 0.0017% or one in 59,000 odds. This is equivalent to a threat level of zero on the Torino Impact Hazard Scale.

The drop in probability was made possible by over 400 observations recorded since late December, which were added to orbit calculations to determine the asteroid’s trajectory and velocity. These new data showed that the asteroid will pass safely by our planet without causing any significant damage.

Despite this positive news, scientists are still uncertain about the size of the asteroid, with estimates ranging from 100 to 300 feet in diameter. If it were to enter Earth’s atmosphere at a shallow angle, it could potentially cause regional damage or shatter windows across a city.

More precise measurements will be made using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope in March, which should help determine the asteroid’s size and provide further reassurance that it poses no threat to our planet.
