Rumors surrounding the release of Half-Life 3 have been swirling for years, but recent data from Valve’s game updates suggests that the project might finally be nearing completion. Longtime gamer analyst Tyler McVicker analyzed the latest Dota 2 update and discovered several key changes to the Source engine code.
One of these changes, in a file called AI_baseNPC.fgd, includes references to “machinery” and “alien blood,” sparking speculation about the game’s storyline. However, McVicker believes this is more related to optimization work, improving NPC AI simulations based on distance from the player.
Another clue lies in an AMD update for Deadlock, which included a variable named “hlx_fsr3_min_reactiveness.” This suggests that FidelityFX Super Resolution upscaling technology is being used in the current development build, indicating that Half-Life 3 is close to completion. According to McVicker, game developers typically don’t use AI post-processing systems until they’re almost done with a project.