AI Agents Communicate Efficiently in Computer Language

Artificial intelligence (AI) agents have gained attention online for a recent video showcasing their conversation in computer language. In the clip, two AI agents talked to each other using Gibberlink mode, a language designed by Meta soft engineers Anton Pidkuiko and Boris Starkov.

The video was recorded on a mobile phone and laptop, showing an AI agent making a reservation request and another responding with confirmation. The conversation then switched to Gibberlink mode, allowing the agents to communicate efficiently.

Story Protocol, a platform for artists, has introduced a system that lets AI agents trade intellectual property rights with each other. This move aims to provide a solution for artists who claim AI is stealing their work. The platform’s system uses blockchain technology to enable tokenized IP rights, making AI agents paying customers for these rights.

Experts say that AI agents will increasingly interact with humans and other AI systems in various sectors, such as commerce and finance. Developers are exploring efficient communication methods, including text-based interactions, which can replace audio conversations. Companies may eventually create separate support channels for human and AI agent interactions to optimize efficiency.

AI experts emphasize the importance of recognizing when interacting with another AI agent, switching to a more efficient protocol like Gibberlink mode, to avoid unnecessary computations and resource waste.
