Oyster Season Opens in Mississippi Gulf Coast After Decades of Damage

The Mississippi Gulf Coast is set to open its first oyster season since 2018, with a limited 10-day period from November 13th. The state Department of Marine Resources has established harvest limits of 10 sacks per vessel for commercial and recreational harvesting.

Following the devastating 2010 BP oil spill and subsequent flooding, which damaged oyster reefs and diluted salinity in the Mississippi Sound, making it difficult for oysters to survive. In 2019, a flood from the Mississippi River killed almost all oysters on the western sound’s most productive reefs.

The state has invested millions in restoring oyster reefs since then. Director Joe Spraggins says the limited season aims to provide some access to the industry and get Mississippi oysters on the market without over-fishing fragile reefs, allowing for preservation of oyster growth.

Source: https://www.mississippifreepress.org/after-years-of-hard-luck-the-mississippi-gulf-coast-will-have-its-first-oyster-season-since-2018