VR Technology Allows Remote Tasting in Virtual Reality

Researchers at Ohio State University have developed a new virtual reality technology that allows users to taste foods remotely. The “e-Taste” system uses sensors and wireless chemical dispensers to replicate the five basic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami.

The system consists of two parts: an interface to the mouth and a small electromagnetic pump that connects to a liquid channel of chemicals. When an electric charge passes through the chemicals, they vibrate and push the solution through a special gel layer into the mouth. The intensity and strength of any given taste can be adjusted by controlling the length of time the solution interacts with the gel layer.

In human trials, participants were able to distinguish between different sour intensities in the liquids generated by the system with an accuracy rate of about 70%. The researchers also tested the system’s ability to immerse players in a virtual food experience and found that remote tasting could be initiated from as far away as California.

The technology has significant implications for gaming, accessibility, and inclusivity. By allowing people to connect in virtual spaces in new ways, it could help individuals with disabilities, such as traumatic brain injuries or long COVID, which can cause gustatory loss. The researchers plan to further miniaturize the system and improve its compatibility with different chemical compounds in food that produce taste sensations.

This innovation is a significant step towards building a more dynamic and immersive gaming experience, and it could also provide scientists with a better understanding of how the brain processes sensory signals from the mouth. As Jinhua Li, co-author of the study, said, “This will help people connect in virtual spaces in never-before-seen ways.”

Source: https://techxplore.com/news/2025-02-device-cake-virtual-reality.html