Webb Telescope Captures Stunning New Image of Sombrero Galaxy

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has released breathtaking new images of the Sombrero galaxy. The galaxy is approximately 30 million light-years from Earth and resembles a Mexican hat due to its ring structure. Located at the center is a supermassive black hole, emitting bright light and consuming material from within the galaxy.

The galaxy’s unique feature is its 2,000 globular clusters, holding thousands of old stars together through gravity. These clusters provide scientists with a vast number of stars to study, allowing them to compare the properties of individual stars. Recent images captured by the Mid-Infrared Instrument reveal intricate clumps along the outer ring and details on dust particles.

The new data offers insights into the galaxy’s structure and provides valuable information about its background galaxies, enabling researchers to determine their distance from the Sombrero galaxy. The Webb telescope is set to begin its fourth year of science operations this summer, with a record-breaking 2,377 proposals submitted for observation time.

Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/webb-telescope-captures-stunning-image-163602229.html