NBCUniversal uses cookies on its websites and services for various purposes, including analytics, advertising, and personalized content. This cookie policy explains how NBCUniversal collects, stores, and uses your data.
**What are cookies?**
Cookies are small text files stored on your device by a website or service. They help websites remember user preferences, track behavior, and provide targeted ads.
**How does NBCUniversal use cookies?**
NBCUniversal uses cookies for:
1. **Analytics**: To understand how users interact with its services, improve performance, and enhance user experience.
2. **Advertising**: To deliver personalized ads based on your interests, demographics, and browsing history.
3. **Personalized content**: To provide tailored recommendations and suggestions.
**How to manage NBCUniversal’s cookies**
You can control the use of cookies by:
1. **Browser controls**: Disabling or managing cookies through your browser settings (see links for Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer).
2. **Analytics provider opt-outs**: Using individual opt-out mechanisms provided by analytics providers like Google Analytics, Omniture, and Mixpanel.
3. **Interest-based advertising opt-outs**: Opting out of interest-based advertising through organizations like the Digital Advertising Alliance (US), Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada, European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance, Australian Digital Advertising Alliance, and others.
**Consequences of deactivating cookies**
Disabling or removing cookies may affect your browsing experience, as some features may not function properly. Your opt-out preferences may still be remembered, but other data collection activities may continue.
**Contact us**
For inquiries about this cookie policy, please contact NBCUniversal’s Privacy department at [email protected] or visit the website for more information.
**Changes to this notice**
This cookie policy is subject to change and updates. Please revisit regularly to stay informed about NBCUniversal’s use of cookies and analytics partners’ practices.
Source: https://www.nbcchicago.com/weather/total-lunar-eclipse-when-itll-occur-and-where-itll-be-visible/3692121