US to Expand Travel Ban to Include More Countries

The Trump administration is finalizing a new travel ban that will be broader than its previous versions. The proposed “red” list includes countries whose citizens were previously restricted, with Afghanistan set to be added as a completely barred country. Afghan evacuees who have worked with US forces during the war face a complete travel ban.

Under the proposal, 200,000 Afghans are in line for resettlement, but if implemented, they could be barred from entering the US. The draft also includes an “orange” group of countries that will face curtailed access, while those in a “yellow” category have 60 days to address perceived deficiencies.

Critics say the ban is an attempt to reverse President Trump’s promises to bring war allies home and that many veterans who voted for him now feel betrayed. The State Department has denied commenting on internal deliberations but is working with other departments to finalize the proposal.

The new travel ban follows a similar pattern to previous versions, which were initially focused on Muslim-majority countries before expanding to include more nations. In 2021, President Joe Biden rescinded the travel bans as one of his first acts, restoring individualized vetting for people from those countries.
