US AI Action Plan: Key Recommendations from Google

The U.S. AI Action Plan aims to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) for the betterment of society. Google shares its ideas on policy frameworks to support America’s position as an AI powerhouse.

The plan recommends focusing on three key areas: Invest in AI, Accelerate and Modernize Government AI Adoption, and Promote Pro-Innovation Approaches Internationally.

Investing in AI involves addressing energy needs for expanding infrastructure, implementing export controls that balance national security and foreign market access, and providing computational resources for research. The federal government should also establish policy frameworks that preserve access to data, advance risk-based approaches to AI applications, and preempt chaotic state-level rules.

Accelerating government AI adoption involves leading by example with multi-vendor, interoperable solutions and streamlined procurement procedures. This will help the government stay competitive in the AI market and drive innovation.

Promoting pro-innovation approaches internationally requires championing technical standards through organizations like the International Standards Organization. The Administration should also work with industry partners and aligned countries to develop protocols for frontier AI systems and combat restrictive foreign barriers.

Google believes that a pro-innovation approach will shape the outcome of the global AI competition, ensuring that America’s lead endures. By working with the federal government, Google is committed to supporting the success of the AI Action Plan and realizing AI’s transformative potential for the benefit of people worldwide.
