If you’re experiencing problems confirming your humanity or are unsure about the status of your issue, you can report a problem by following these steps.
To begin, click on the “Report a Problem” button and enter reference ID 62441968-0189-11f0-9dd9-c73673dc6315 to ensure that the correct information is associated with your inquiry.
If you’re having trouble confirming whether you are human or not, try pressing and holding on the screen as instructed. Alternatively, if you encounter an error message saying “Please try again,” simply retry the process until it completes successfully.
You can also provide additional feedback through the provided text box to help our team better understand your issue and offer a more effective solution in the future.
If none of these steps resolve the problem, please contact us for assistance.
Source: https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/ex-facebook-director-book-brutal-image-zuckerberg-20220239.php