iPhone Ultrasound Saves Mom’s Life from Deadly Heart Condition

A mother of two was rushed to the hospital after a sudden and severe chest pain caused by an undiagnosed aortic dissection. Sara Adair, 45, credits an iPhone ultrasound with saving her life after she learned about the symptoms of the condition from her sister’s experience with Loeys-Dietz syndrome.

Adair had been experiencing no warning signs despite regular scans and check-ups. On July 22, 2024, while attending a pool party with her kids, she suddenly felt a crushing chest pain that worsened as it moved up to her neck. She was able to call for help and eventually received the correct diagnosis in the emergency room.

A portable ultrasound device plugged into an iPhone was used to examine Adair’s aorta, revealing a large tear that needed immediate surgery. Adair underwent open-heart surgery, which was complicated by a stroke during recovery.

Despite the ordeal, Adair considers herself lucky and is now undergoing cardiac rehabilitation after resolving several blood clots. Her focus shifts to genetic testing for her children and nieces, who are scheduled to receive tests for Loeys-Dietz syndrome.

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/aortic-dissection-loeys-dietz-syndrome-robert-wood-johnson