Manufacturing Countertops Linked to Silicosis Among Workers

Researchers have found a significant link between manufacturing countertops and lung disease silicosis among workers, particularly those of Hispanic descent. The study, presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), revealed that exposure to dust during countertop production can cause this condition, which can lead to respiratory failure if left untreated.

According to the study’s lead author, Dr. Sundus Lateef, there is a critical lack of recognition and screening for workers in the engineered stone manufacturing industry. This vulnerability has led to delays in diagnosis, with only about one-third of cases being recognized by radiologists at first.

The condition, caused by breathing in minute silica crystals, can cause irreparable damage to lungs over time. The study included 55 engineers, all Hispanic males, whose silicosis was detected through lung CT scans and pulmonary function tests.

To address this growing epidemic, Dr. Lateef and colleagues are working on the California Artificial Stone and Silicosis (CASS) Project, aimed at promoting respiratory health among vulnerable workers in the industry. The project’s goal is to increase awareness of silicosis and provide timely diagnosis and treatment for affected individuals.
