Celestial Highlights: Venus, Jupiter, and Mars Shine Bright in December

This month, December offers a celestial treat with several highlights that make it an exciting time for skywatching. The “Evening Star” Venus shines brightly in the southwest after sunset, while Jupiter reaches its brightest point for the year on December 7, making it visible all night long. Mars also brightens significantly during December and will be visible from late evening to early morning.

Venus will pair with a crescent Moon on December 4, creating a beautiful sight in the sky. Meanwhile, Jupiter will shine at its brightest as it moves between the nearly full Moon and Aldebaran on December 14. Mars will also appear close to the waning gibbous Moon on December 17.

The Winter Triangle, formed by Sirius, Procyon, and Betelgeuse, dominates the winter skies and is a prominent feature throughout the season. The Geminid meteor shower peaks under a nearly full Moon on December 14, offering bright meteors despite reduced visibility due to moonlight. On December 21, the Winter Solstice marks the start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

For skywatchers, there’s plenty to look forward to this month. With Venus, Jupiter, and Mars shining brightly, it’s an ideal time for stargazing.

Source: https://scitechdaily.com/dont-miss-decembers-night-sky-spectacle-venus-shines-jupiter-glows-meteors-fly