Dark Energy’s Secrets Revealed: A Constantly Changing Mystery

Dark energy, making up 70% of the universe, was once thought to be an immutable presence. However, new observations from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) suggest that it may have changed over time. This discovery could potentially shake the foundations of our current understanding of cosmology and physics.

The DESI telescope has surveyed 15 million galaxies, stretching up to 11 billion light years away, providing a comprehensive portrait of galaxy movements. The findings indicate that the universe’s expansion acceleration started sooner than previously thought, peaked early on, and is currently weakening. This challenges the long-held idea of dark energy as a constant force driving the universe’s expansion.

The current model, lambda-CDM, proposes that dark energy pushes against gravity to prevent the universe from collapsing. However, it doesn’t explain what dark energy actually is. The new observations hint at a potential shift in our understanding, with some implications suggesting the universe may not collapse as expected.

While it’s too early to say whether the dominant model has been disproven, the DESI results are significant, yielding a discrepancy of 4.2 sigma, which suggests that dark energy may have changed over time. This discovery opens Pandora’s box for theoretical models and raises questions about everything from the universe’s fate to its fundamental nature.

The findings have implications not only for our understanding of the universe but also its eventual fate. If dark energy is indeed changing, it could mean that we need to rethink our assumptions about the cosmos. As cosmologist Mustapha Ishak-Boushaki noted, “As far as theoretical models, Pandora’s box just opened.” The discovery highlights the complexity and mystery surrounding dark energy, underscoring the need for continued exploration and research.

Source: https://futurism.com/force-universe-changing