New Ultrasound Technology Beats MRI for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

A major trial has suggested that high-resolution ultrasound-guided biopsies could speed up the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The ‘game-changing’ technology proved just as effective as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) but was cheaper and easier to use.

Researchers say adopting this new tool, named micro-ultrasound or microUS, would free-up scarce MRI scanners for other uses, allowing doctors to provide a one-stop shop where patients can be scanned and biopsied immediately in one hospital visit. This could improve diagnosis times and patient care.

The trial involved 677 men from across Canada, the US, and Europe, who underwent biopsy using either MRI-guided or microUS-guided biopsies. The results showed that cancer was detected as effectively with microUS-guided biopsies alone as it was with MRI-guided biopsies followed by additional tests.

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in England, with over 55,000 cases diagnosed in 2023. This breakthrough technology has the potential to improve diagnosis and treatment options for patients.

Lead researcher Professor Laurence Klotz believes that this new tool could have a similar impact as the introduction of MRI, but with added benefits such as reduced costs and improved accessibility.
