Groundbreaking Study Reveals Shark’s Hidden Vocal Ability

Sharks have long been known as silent killers, but a groundbreaking new study has revealed that one species may be more vocal than previously thought. Researchers have recorded evidence of the rig shark actively producing sound by snapping its teeth, creating noises comparable to the sound of a balloon popping.

The rig shark, a small species found in New Zealand’s coastal waters, was studied using underwater microphones and cameras in a controlled laboratory setting. Scientists discovered that the sharks make clicking noises when handled or moved between tanks, with each click lasting around 48 milliseconds. The clicks were intense, reaching up to 156 decibels.

Researchers believe that the clicks are produced by the strong, interlocking teeth snapping together. This theory is supported by the consistent pattern and frequency of the clicks, suggesting they may be intentional rather than accidental.

While it’s unclear whether other shark species share this ability, scientists are eager to discover whether rig sharks produce similar noises in their natural habitats. The study opens up new possibilities for communication via sound among sharks, potentially revealing more about their ecology and lifestyle.

As president of Atlantic Shark Expeditions, Neil Hammerschlag notes that the discovery could help us “start listening to sharks” and learn more about their behavior. The study’s findings highlight the importance of continued research into shark conservation and behavior, as well as the need for further investigation into the vocal abilities of other shark species.
