NBCUniversal uses cookies for various purposes, including analytics and advertising. This policy explains how we use cookies, what information they collect, and how you can manage them.
**Cookies Used**
We use cookies from third-party providers, such as Google Analytics, Omniture, and Mixpanel, to analyze user behavior and improve our services. We also use Flash Local Storage (also known as local shared objects) to store your preferences or display content by us, advertisers, and other third-parties.
**Information Collected**
Cookies collect information about your browsing behavior, such as:
* Browser type and version
* Operating system and device type
* Internet Service Provider (ISP)
* Location data
* Device settings
**Managing Cookies**
You can manage cookies through your browser settings or by using opt-out tools provided by third-party providers. Here are some steps to follow:
1. **Browser Controls**: Enable or disable cookies in your browser settings. For example:
* Google Chrome: chrome://settings/cookies
* Apple Safari: Preferences > Privacy > Cookies and Website Data
* Mozilla Firefox: Options > Advanced > Network & Security > Cookies
2. **Analytics Provider Opt-Outs**: Use the opt-out mechanisms provided by our analytics providers, such as Google Analytics or Omniture.
3. **Flash Local Storage**: Delete Flash cookies in your Flash Player Settings Manager.
**Opting Out of Interest-Based Advertising**
You can opt out of interest-based advertising from participating third-party advertisers by visiting their websites or using online ad networks, such as:
* Digital Advertising Alliance (US)
* Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada
* European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance
* Australian Digital Advertising Alliance
**Consequences of Deactivation**
Disabling or removing cookies may affect the functionality of our services. However, some parts of our Services will still be available.
**Contact Us**
If you have any questions or concerns about this Cookie Policy, please contact us at:
* [email protected] (US)
* [email protected] (EEA, UK, and Switzerland)
We may revise this policy periodically to comply with changing regulations. Please review this policy regularly to stay informed.
Source: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/entertainment/holidays/how-to-watch-the-rockefeller-center-tree-lighting-timing-tv-channel-streaming/6039367