ESA Launches Proba-3 Mission to Test Formation Flying Tech

The European Space Agency’s Proba-3 mission has launched two spacecraft into orbit, kicking off a groundbreaking experiment in formation flying technologies and sun observation. The satellites, loaded with sophisticated sensors and instruments, will attempt to achieve millimeter-scale precision in their orbits around the Earth.

Launched on top of an Indian rocket, the two Proba-3 satellites are designed to demonstrate a new concept in space technology. Each spacecraft is smaller than a compact car and will separate from one another after initial checkouts to begin their tech demo experiments early next year.

The larger Coronagraph spacecraft will image the Sun’s corona, while the Occulter spacecraft will host navigation sensors and low-impulse thrusters for precise maneuvering. The two satellites will work together in a unique configuration, with Proba-3’s Occulter blocking the surface of the Sun to reveal the wispy gases that make up the solar corona.
