Perseverance Rover Explores Pico Turquino and Jezero Crater Rim

NASA’s Perseverance rover has been conducting a thorough investigation of the Jezero crater rim, with its latest stop being the 200-meter-long region of exposed outcrop known as Pico Turquino. The team hopes to uncover clues about ancient geologic processes that predate or are related to the violent impact that formed the crater.

During its ascent of the crater rim, the rover has been studying various outcropping ridges to characterize their compositional diversity and structure. Following a close approach last week, the team successfully positioned the rover at the southwestern extent of Pico Turquino for targeted remote sensing and SuperCam investigations.

The rover’s upcoming plan includes assessing which areas are suitable for proximity science and repositioning it for abrasion activities. After completing these tasks, Perseverance will head to its next destination, “Witch Hazel Hill,” where orbital views suggest layered and light-toned bedrock that could provide valuable information about the planet’s ancient climate.

As part of its journey, the rover will also pass through a high point known as Lookout Hill, offering breathtaking views of the crater and surrounding terrain. With this ongoing exploration, NASA aims to gain insights into Mars’ geological history and better understand the Red Planet’s evolution.
