Beat Winter Blues with Simple Actions

The winter season can bring a sense of cheer, but for many Americans, it also brings mental struggles known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or “the winter blues.” Brazos Valley mental health expert Marc Klekar says the strongest way to beat these feelings is by forcing yourself to get up and start doing something.

With less sunlight and colder weather, SAD affects 10 million people each year. Symptoms include a loss of interest in usual activities, pervasive long-term energy loss, and an empty feeling of motivation.

Klekar advises against self-medication with substances and recommends establishing a routine. “Getting up and engaging in something” can help bring more motivation and momentum. Journaling is also helpful in processing difficult emotions and slowing down racing thoughts.

If you’re struggling this season, call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 or reach out to Brazos Valley Mental Health and Wellness for support.
