Paramount Steps In to Save Christmas for Dozens of Construction Workers

A recent crisis involving dozens of construction workers building sets for a Guy Ritchie series has been resolved, thanks to intervention by Paramount and 101 Studios. The production company had previously paid the set construction firm Helix3D but failed to pass on £250,000 ($316,000) to at least 50 UK broadcasting union Bectu members who worked on the project.

The crisis emerged when Helix3D was facing financial difficulties, leaving many workers unpaid. Paramount and 101 Studios have now stepped in to cover the outstanding payments, with hopes of completing the process by early next week.

Paramount’s actions come amid criticism of the company’s handling of similar issues in the past. However, experts suggest that Paramount’s decision to pay the construction workers directly may be driven by a desire to avoid a media backlash and potential lawsuits.

The situation highlights the complexities of payment structures in film productions, where multiple parties are involved. While some have praised Paramount for its swift intervention, others argue that the company should have been more proactive in addressing the issue earlier on.

In a letter from Bectu official Chris Hudson to Helix3D CEO Brian Dowling, Hudson criticized the lack of foresight by Helix and expressed concerns about the distress caused to many workers. The letter acknowledged that liquidation now seems unavoidable but urged caution to avoid exacerbating the situation.

Paramount’s actions demonstrate its commitment to ensuring fair treatment for its contractors and employees. However, it remains unclear whether the company’s decision is driven by a genuine desire to help or to mitigate potential reputational damage.

Regardless of motivations, Paramount’s intervention in this crisis has prevented widespread distress among construction workers. As the production nears completion, all parties involved can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that those affected will receive their well-deserved payments.
