Experts Sound Alarm Over Synthetic “Mirror Bacteria”

A group of scientists from nine countries has warned about the potential risks of creating synthetic organisms with mirror-image molecular structures, which could pose a threat to humans, animals, and plants. The researchers, who published their findings in a report by Science on December 12, argue that this new field of research is “unprecedented” and needs careful consideration.

The discovery of life’s uniform chirality, or handedness, makes it difficult for mirror organisms to interact with natural molecules. If created, these organisms could have unforeseen consequences, including impaired immune systems and potential infections in humans, animals, and plants. Experts believe that the risk of something bad happening is low, but the consequences would be severe.

Creating mirror bacteria is still a long-term aspiration of research teams, and significant technical hurdles need to be overcome before it becomes feasible. The scientists emphasized that there are currently no imminent threats, and substantial efforts are required to create these organisms. However, some experts argue that the risks are “speculative” considering the current stage of research.

The warning serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible scientific research and the need for careful consideration of potential consequences.
