Stowaway Arrested on Bus Bound for Canada

A 57-year-old US permanent resident, Svetlana Dali, was arrested on Monday after attempting to leave the country again by bus heading towards Canada. Dali had been released from custody in December after stowing away on a plane from New York City to Paris, and was ordered to wear an ankle monitor.

According to authorities, Dali had planned to stay with a friend in Philadelphia but instead cut off her monitor and made her way to upstate New York, where she boarded a bus bound for the Canadian border. She had purchased a ticket for the ride, unlike her previous attempt to sneak onto a flight.

Dali was charged with sneaking aboard the Paris-bound flight without a boarding pass or passport. Her arrest on Monday night brought her full circle, as she is now scheduled to appear in court in Buffalo and be returned to custody in Brooklyn.

Prosecutors stated that Dali exploited security weaknesses during peak air travel periods by blending in with crowds of travelers. She was able to slip past a checkpoint and onto the plane without detection. After being arrested at Paris’s airport, Delta authorities returned her to New York City, where she was taken into FBI custody.
