Android 16 DP2 Brings New Emoji Set and Quality of Life Improvements

Android 16 Developer Preview 2 (DP2) has been released for Pixel devices, introducing new features and quality of life improvements before the holiday season. The update includes enhanced haptics controls and better use of adaptive refresh rates.

The most notable feature is a new emoji set, which was previewed earlier this year as part of Unicode Emoji 16.0 Alpha. Users running DP2 can now access these new emojis, including ones like the face with bags under eyes, fingerprint, and root vegetable emoji. However, those on older versions of Android will be displayed placeholder symbols.

The update is available for testing purposes only and will not yet be available to the general public. It’s recommended to install DP2 if you want to try out the new features or check out the updated emojis. For guidance on installing the developer preview, a detailed guide is available online.
