Afro-Germans Fear for Germany’s Future After Recent Attack

Afro-German community members express their concerns about the upcoming German election. The recent attack on a shopping mall in Hanau, which claimed the lives of nine people, has left many feeling vulnerable and anxious.

Fekade Bekele, a development expert from Berlin’s Ethiopian community, says that migration issues are being used as a campaign tool to attract voters. However, he emphasizes the importance of integration for migrants.

Armand Zorn, an SPD politician contesting the elections, has been trying to get more young Afro-Germans involved in politics. He expresses concern about the conservative shift and warns that polarization is a danger for society.

Furat Abdulle, Richmond Boakye, and Sophie Osen Akhibi from the Afro Diasporan Academic Network (ADAN) met with DW to discuss their concerns. They want to shed light on the needs, wishes, and hopes of the African diaspora in Germany.

The ADAN members believe that inclusive politics are essential for moving forward as a society. They emphasize the importance of unity and equality for all citizens, regardless of background.

Their vision for “Germany 2.0” aims to provide access to resources for everyone and move away from conflict. As Osen Akhibi said, “I would like us as a society to be able to turn on the news again and look forward to concepts on how we can move forward, not just watch the next dispute or debacle.”

The Afro-German community is urging citizens to come together and work towards a more inclusive and equal society. As Josephine-Renee, owner of The New Eve blog, said, “I am a woman, I’m a mother, I’m a German citizen, and I’m a black woman. People expect me to vote liberal because I’m a black woman, but I couldn’t possibly care less. I want to take care of the country I live in.”

The upcoming election is crucial for Afro-Germans, as they seek real change and a more inclusive politics. As Armand Zorn warned, “We’re seeing more political parties not being open to collaboration with other parties. That’s a danger.”
