AI Discovers 123 New Craters on Mars, Revealing Hidden Secrets

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the now-dead InSight lander have teamed up with artificial intelligence to discover 123 new craters on the Martian surface. The findings, published in Geophysical Research Letters, shed light on how seismic waves travel through Mars’ interior, revealing a previously unknown “seismic highway” through the mantle.

The team detected seismic signals from a meteor crash in Cerberus Fossae, an area known for its high quake activity. Analysis of the impact crater’s properties led researchers to believe that the Martian crust has unique features that dampen seismic waves produced by impacts. However, AI analysis of images revealed that some of the seismic signals did not originate from internal quakes, but rather from meteoroid impacts.

The discovery provides valuable insights into Mars’ interior and the formation of rocky worlds, including Earth and its Moon. The findings demonstrate how AI is being used to improve planetary science, helping researchers uncover new secrets about our neighboring planet.
