AI Use in Creative Process Doesn’t Undermine Copyright Rights

The US Copyright Office has declared that using artificial intelligence (AI) tools to assist in the creative process does not undermine copyright rights. The announcement is seen as a significant development for the film and television industry, which has been grappling with the use of AI-generated content.

In a 41-page report, the office reiterated that human authorship is essential to copyright protection and stated that merely entering text prompts into an AI system is not enough to claim authorship of the resulting output. The report also clarified that a work can be eligible for copyright protection if the author creatively selects and arranges AI-generated elements.

The Copyright Office found no issue with AI being used as a brainstorming tool or to create outlines for literary works, but drew a line at systems like Midjourney, which can generate images based on simple text prompts. The office concluded that users do not have sufficient control over the process when using such systems.

The announcement marks a significant shift in the office’s stance on AI-generated content, as it was initially directed to disclaim any AI-generated material. However, the Motion Picture Association had expressed concerns that this provision would be “misguided” and “burdensome.” The MPA welcomed the new guidance, stating that AI technology presents developing opportunities for creators and their audiences.

The Copyright Office emphasized the importance of human creativity in society, stating that if authors cannot make a living from their craft, they are likely to produce fewer works.
