Ancient Egyptian Artifacts Discovered Underwater in Nile River

A team of underwater archaeologists has made a groundbreaking discovery in the Nile River near Aswan, Egypt. The team recovered several ancient artifacts that were lost when the area was flooded by the construction of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960s.

The artifacts include carvings of pharaohs and inscriptions that are expected to shed light on the era they originated from. Among the finds are depictions of Egyptian pharaohs, including Amenhotep III, Thutmose IV, Psamtik II, and Apries.

This discovery is significant because it marks the first time that an underwater archaeological survey has been conducted in this region. The area was previously flooded, making it difficult to recover artifacts from that era. UNESCO tried to locate and save ancient artifacts when the dam was being built, but they were unable to do so due to time constraints.

The research team used a combination of techniques, including archaeological scanning, photography, underwater video, photogrammetry, and archaeological drawings, to identify and document the paintings, carvings, and miniatures. The team plans to produce 3D models of the discovered carvings for further study.

This discovery has the potential to open up new understanding of the region and its history. It could also lead to the discovery of additional underwater finds in the future.