Apple Seeks Stay in Google Antitrust Case Due to Potential Harm

Google’s $20 billion per year search deal with Apple was ruled last summer to violate antitrust law, despite Apple not being a defendant in the case. Now, Apple is seeking a stay on proceedings, claiming it will suffer irreparable harm if it cannot participate as a party in the remedial phase of the case.

In a recent filing, Apple asked for a chance to intervene in the proceedings or, alternatively, be granted access to the record as a non-party observer until the D.C. Circuit rules on the matter. Apple’s goal is to avoid being cut out of the process and potentially losing its undisputed property rights.

Google denied Apple’s motion to present witnesses at an upcoming trial, citing concerns that Apple’s involvement would compromise the fairness of the proceedings. However, courts have granted stays pending appeal for similar orders denying intervention in the past.

Apple believes its participation is necessary to prevent irreparable harm, including deprivation of its right to participate in the remedial phase and potentially losing access to its property rights. The company argues that it should be allowed to intervene or observe the proceedings to ensure its interests are protected.
