Ashly Burch Sounds Alarm on AI’s Impact on Artistry

A Sony-produced AI video featuring Aloy, voiced by Ashly Burch, sparked controversy among fans and developers. Burch recently shared her concerns about artistic integrity and human talent in a social media post, emphasizing the importance of preserving creativity.

The reaction to the AI-generated Aloy video highlights concerns about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) replacing human input in art. Fans and commentators alike have expressed frustration with the loss of humanity in such projects. Burch’s comment on the matter resonates with creators who struggle against AI’s influence, as she intimately understands the challenges from a creator’s perspective.

While some may criticize Sony for using AI without developer input, the issue is broader. The general public tends to view people as the inconvenience when it comes to AI, whereas its benefits can aid in daily tasks. This case, however, demonstrates how AI can negatively impact talented teams like Guerrilla Games. Burch’s words offer a valuable insight into the ongoing creative struggles against AI and underscore the importance of preserving human talent in artistic endeavors.
