Two farms in Alabama have been infected with avian influenza, a highly contagious disease that has killed over 116,000 birds. The affected farms are located in Cullman County and Pickens County, both major poultry-producing areas. According to state officials, more than 100,000 chickens were euthanized to prevent the spread of the disease.
Dr. Tony Frazier, Alabama state veterinarian, assures that there is no reason for concern among consumers. The meat from infected farms will continue to be available for purchase, and he advises people not to worry about contracting bird flu through eating poultry products.
Meanwhile, experts caution that the highly contagious nature of avian influenza makes it a significant risk if left unchecked. Dennis Brothers, associate extension professor at the University of Alabama, notes that this outbreak is particularly concerning due to its location in one of the most densely populated poultry-producing counties in the nation.
To mitigate the risk of transmission, authorities recommend cleaning and sanitizing equipment, limiting unnecessary visitors, and changing clothes after contact with birds.