Balancing Holiday Cheer with Healthy Habits

The holiday season can be a challenging time for those trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Misleading strategies like skipping meals or detox cleanses often backfire, leading to overeating or potential harm. Instead, experts recommend enjoying special treats in moderation without guilt.

According to Sara Riehm, RD, LD/N, CSOWM, a specialty registered dietitian at the Orlando Health Center for Health Improvement, indulging in a few festive favorites won’t derail healthy habits. “Holidays come around once a year, and indulging in a few traditional foods that may have a little extra sugar or fat is not going to affect your health,” she said.

Misguided weight management strategies like skipping meals before events can lead to overeating later. Riehm suggests having a light meal with satiating nutrients like protein and fiber before a party to make mindful choices about what you’re eating.

Detox and cleanse myths are also prevalent during the holidays, with many people believing they need to “detox” or “cleanse” their bodies after indulging in unhealthy foods. Riehm says these tactics are ineffective and can be potentially harmful.

Instead, she recommends seeking guidance from a registered dietitian to create a personalized plan for long-term health. With so much misinformation out there, registered dietitians provide evidence-based nutrition information that’s essential for making healthy habits stick.

Joshua Walker, who participated in the Orlando Health Center’s six-week lifestyle modification program, learned that small adjustments can make a big difference. By working with Riehm to stabilize his blood sugar, he’s confident that his health won’t take a hit during the holidays, even if he strays from his normal plan.

The key to lasting healthy habits is flexibility, according to Riehm. “No diet or healthy habit is going to be successful in the long term without a little bit of flexibility,” she said. With consistency and mindful eating, you can enjoy the holiday season while maintaining your health goals.
