Biden Grants California Green Light for Gas Car Ban

The Biden administration has given California permission to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035. The move, approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles in the state. Two waivers were granted under the Clean Air Act: one requiring 35% of new car and light truck sales to be zero-emission by 2026 and 90% below current emissions by 2027, while the other mandates all new car sales to be zero-emission within a decade.

California’s near-future request for stricter emissions standards was met with approval from the EPA. The move is seen as a major victory for environmental groups, who have long advocated for increased regulation of the auto industry.

However, there are concerns that these waivers could be revoked by President-elect Trump, who has expressed opposition to Biden’s climate agenda. Industry leaders have warned that the bans will harm consumers and raise vehicle costs, citing potential economic and practical implications. EPA Administrator Michael Regan countered that the measures will protect California residents from air pollution.

The decision marks a significant shift in the auto industry’s trajectory towards green energy, with companies expected to adapt to new emissions standards.
