Bird Flu Found on UMass Amherst Campus

A recent discovery of two dead Canada geese on the University of Massachusetts Amherst campus has raised concerns about a bird flu outbreak in western Massachusetts. The geese tested positive for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), also known as H5N1, a virus that has already claimed nearly 20 million egg-laying chickens in the US.

This is not the first time bird flu has been detected in the state, but it highlights the growing risk of transmission to wild birds. A recent outbreak in Plymouth, known as the Billington Sea, resulted in the deaths of over 60 Canada geese, swans, and ducks. The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) notes that the current bird flu outbreak poses little risk to human health.

To mitigate the risk of spreading the virus, the university has posted warning signs near the Campus Pond and notified faculty who interact with animals to take preventative measures. Those who find sick or dead birds on campus are asked to contact UMass Environmental Health and Safety at (413) 545-2682. The state’s Ornithologist warns that controlling the spread is easier in a controlled environment, such as a farm, but more challenging when dealing with wild birds.
