Bird Flu Outbreak Reported in Buncombe County Park

A dead waterfowl at Lake Julian Park has tested positive for Avian Influenza H5N1, or bird flu, according to a recent news release from Buncombe County. The park remains open, but visitors are urged to avoid touching or feeding the birds and to wash their hands regularly.

Staff is working with state partners on cleaning protocols at the park, monitoring, and testing in case of human exposure. Dr. Ellis Matheson, Public Health Director, warns that while transmission from animals to humans is rare, it’s possible. He advises staying away from sick or dead birds and taking precautions to protect pets as well.

The Center for Disease Control reports 67 confirmed cases of bird flu in the US since 2024, with no reported cases in North Carolina. The CDC lists symptoms of bird flu in humans, including diarrhea, fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, eye tearing, headaches, runny nose, muscle aches, and body pains.

Currently, there have been only one death reported among the confirmed cases.
