Blood, Sweat and Tears Used in Martian Construction

Astronauts on Mars may have a unique building material at their disposal – human bodily fluids. Researchers from Iran’s Kharazmi University are exploring the possibility of using blood, sweat, tears, and urine to create concrete for the red planet’s first settlements.

The team discovered that ancient Roman concrete, known for its resilience and self-healing properties, could be improved with organic additives like animal blood. In this case, researchers used a mix of human ingredients, including urea extracted from urine, to create a “AstroCrete” that requires no water to mix.

This unconventional additive is particularly useful on Mars, where water is scarce and the planet’s arid conditions make traditional construction methods challenging. The team identified 11 potential concrete options for future astronauts and successfully created sample using 3D printing. While more research is needed, the study suggests that finding low-cost and practical solutions is crucial to overcoming the numerous challenges of living on Mars.
