Boost Your Immunity This Holiday Season

As we navigate the busy holiday season, keeping our immune systems healthy becomes more crucial than ever. According to Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and clinical associate professor at George Washington University, a strong immune system reduces the risk of contracting infectious diseases and falling seriously ill from them.

Dr. Wen recommends three habits to boost your immune function: regular exercise, a balanced diet that emphasizes whole foods, and adequate sleep. Research shows that getting enough physical activity may lower your chance of dying from the flu or pneumonia, while eating high amounts of ultraprocessed food can shorten lifespan by over 10%. Getting better sleep also plays a crucial role in maintaining immune function.

On the other hand, Dr. Wen advises against smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, as both have negative impacts on immunity. If you’re planning to attend family gatherings with vulnerable individuals, consider getting vaccinated against respiratory viruses and taking precautions such as masking, avoiding crowded settings, and taking rapid Covid-19 tests.

Dr. Wen emphasizes that a well-rested immune system is essential for emotional and physical health during the holidays. By adopting these habits and staying informed about virus safety tips, you can reduce your chances of getting sick and make this holiday season one to remember with loved ones.
