Sticking to the same daily habits can be beneficial, but getting too stuck in a routine can actually harm your cognitive function and memory. Research shows that diversifying your daily activities and changing up what you do can result in higher overall cognitive functioning. In fact, one study found that participants with more diversity in their daily activities scored better on tests of cognitive and executive functioning, as well as having healthier brains.
Breaking up your routine doesn’t have to be a drastic change. Even small changes, like trying new recipes or taking a different route to work, can make a positive impact. In addition to varying your routine, other healthy habits that can improve memory include:
* Getting quality sleep: Sleep plays a crucial role in cognitive health, regulating your circadian rhythm, balancing hormones, and improving decision making, emotional interpretation, and concentration.
* Eating more fruits and vegetables: A diet rich in antioxidant-packed foods like fruits and vegetables may help slow down memory decline and aging.
* Moving your body: Physical movement is essential for cognitive health, providing a mix of aerobic and resistance training that can benefit the brain in multiple ways.
* Chewing your food: Believe it or not, eating requires you to use your chewing muscles, which functions as exercise for your head and brain.
The key takeaway is that changing up your routine can have a positive impact on cognitive health. So, find ways throughout your day-to-day life to try new things and break up your usual routines. Your brain will thank you!