* Scientists at Berkeley Lab have created a new superheavy element with atomic number 116, which is the heaviest element ever made at the lab.
* The element was made using titanium-50 ions accelerated in the 88-Inch Cyclotron, instead of calcium-48 ions as used previously.
* The creation of this element validates that this method of production works and paves the way for attempting to make even heavier elements, such as atomic number 120.
* The process involved creating a beam of titanium isotopes, which was then accelerated in the cyclotron and used to fuse with a target nucleus (plutonium) to create the new element.
* The new element is extremely rare and decays quickly into lighter particles, making it difficult to detect.
* Researchers are planning to attempt to make even heavier elements, such as atomic number 120, using californium-249 targets in the future.
I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.+
+Source: https://newscenter.lbl.gov/2024/07/23/a-new-way-to-make-element-116-opens-the-door-to-heavier-atoms/