Bright Planets in February Skies

This February, skywatchers will be treated to a stunning display of bright planets in the winter sky. The highlight of the month is Venus, which reaches its brightest point after sunset and remains a dazzling sight through early March.

Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will also make appearances in the night sky. Mercury pops up just above the horizon in late February, while Mars and Jupiter dominate the evening sky alongside the winter constellations of Orion, Taurus, and Gemini.

The Moon’s journey across the sky this month includes a crescent appearance with Venus on February 1, a visit to the Pleiades on February 5, and an encounter with Jupiter on February 6. The nearly full Moon will be visible in the east on February 9, just below reddish Mars.

Astronomers use the term “conjunctions” to describe close approaches between objects in the sky, but some prefer the technically correct term “appulse.” This month’s events include several conjunctions and appulses, offering plenty of opportunities for stargazers to observe these celestial wonders.

As Venus is associated with the Roman goddess of love, it’s fitting that February is a time for romance. The planet shines brightest when it’s a thin crescent, but its proximity to Earth makes it look larger in the sky. Don’t miss this chance to appreciate Venus at its most radiant, just like the old Valentine’s proverb says: “The goddess of love is at her most radiant when nearby!”
