Catch Ursids Meteor Shower on Dec 21-22

Get ready for another chance to witness a “shooting star” display in 2024. The Ursid meteor shower will peak overnight from December 21-22, right around the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Although it boasts fewer meteors per hour than the Geminid meteor shower earlier this month, the Ursids can produce bright fireballs visible even on moonlit nights.

The Ursids will be visible from December 17 to 26, with the most activity expected just before dawn when the radiant point reaches its highest point. The Little Dipper constellation will guide you to the radiant, making it a circumpolar sight in the Northern Hemisphere. However, the waning gibbous moon may outshine any meteors on December 21-22.

To get the best views, plan your observation for around midnight when the moon is still low in the sky. Find a vantage point with minimal artificial light to increase your chances of spotting the most meteors. This meteor shower is perfect for those who missed the Geminid peak or want another chance to witness the night sky’s beauty.

The Ursids are caused by comet debris passing through Earth’s atmosphere, originating from Comet 8P/Tuttle, a large object that takes about 13.6 years to orbit the sun. The next meteor shower in 2025 will be the Quadrantids on January 2-3.
