This December, get ready to witness breathtaking celestial events, including the “Evening Star” Venus, Jupiter at its brightest, and the spectacular Geminid meteor shower.
Venus will be visible in the southwest after sunset, climbing higher each evening. On December 4th, it will shine alongside a slim crescent Moon, making for a great photo opportunity. Jupiter will reach opposition on December 7th, becoming visible all night long and shining at its brightest for the year. The planet will rise in the east-northeast among Taurus’s stars.
Mars will also be putting on a show, doubling its brightness during December as it heads toward its own opposition in January. On December 17th, Mars will appear super close to the Moon. Meanwhile, Saturn will be visible after sunset in the southern sky, shifting slightly westward as the month progresses.
The stars of winter are making their grand entrance in December. Look for Orion rising in the east with Taurus and Gemini constellations nearby. The Winter Triangle, formed by Sirius, Procyon, and Betelgeuse, will be visible throughout the season.
The Geminid meteor shower peaks on December 14th under a nearly full Moon, but bright meteors can still be spotted up to a week before. This year’s peak may be less spectacular due to moonlight, but it’s still worth checking out.
In conclusion, December offers a range of exciting celestial events, including planetary alignments, meteor showers, and stunning astronomical sights.