Celestial Wonders in 2025: Full Moons, Eclipses, and Meteor Showers

A new year brings a plethora of celestial events to witness, including full moons, solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, and meteor showers. In 2025, there will be numerous opportunities to observe these wonders.

Full moons will be visible every month, each with its unique name according to the Farmers’ Almanac. These include the Wolf moon in January, Snow moon in February, Worm moon in March, and more.

Solar eclipses are also on the horizon, with two partial eclipses scheduled for March 29 and September 21. The first will be visible across parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America, while the second will be seen over Australia, Antarctica, and some Pacific islands.

Lunar eclipses, known as “blood moons,” will occur on March 13-14 and September 7-8, visible from various locations including Western Europe, Asia, Australia, and parts of South America.

Meteor showers will also be visible throughout the year, with notable peaks in January (Quadrantid), April (Lyrids), May (Eta Aquariids), July (Southern Delta Aquariids and Alpha Capricornids), August (Perseids), October (Draconids and Orionids), November (Southern Taurids and Northern Taurids), and December (Geminids and Ursids).

The International Space Station will also be visible in the night sky, providing a chance to witness this marvel of engineering.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2025/01/01/science/full-moons-eclipses-meteor-showers-2025/index.html