Cloudflare Blocks IP Address from ‘Too Many Requests’ Abuse

A recent incident involving a client’s IP address has sparked concern about the rising issue of ‘too many requests’. According to available information, a client with an IP address of has been blocked by Cloudflare due to suspected abuse.

Cloudflare is a content delivery network (CDN) that provides security and performance enhancements for websites and applications. It uses various measures to detect and prevent abusive behavior, including IP blocking. The ‘too many requests’ issue refers to the practice of sending an excessive number of requests to a website or server within a short period.

When a client’s IP address is blocked by Cloudflare, it can lead to difficulties in accessing websites or services that rely on the CDN. This incident serves as a reminder for businesses and individuals to review their IP blocking policies and ensure they comply with Cloudflare’s terms of service to avoid similar issues.
