“Cognitive Shuffling: A Simple Trick for a Calm Mind”

As an emergency room physician for over two decades, Dr. Joe Whittington often struggles with falling asleep after a long shift. His chaotic work environment and irregular hours make it difficult to quiet his mind and relax. To combat this issue, he discovered “cognitive shuffling,” a technique that involves actively distracting himself from racing thoughts.

The problem is common among people working in high-stress fields or those who have trouble disconnecting from their minds due to work-related events replaying in their heads. While deep breathing, meditation, and melatonin may not be effective for everyone, cognitive shuffling has proven to be a game-changer for Dr. Whittington.

By engaging his mind in a different task, such as reciting words backwards or mentally sorting objects, he can calm his busy brain and prepare himself for sleep. This technique is particularly useful for those who have difficulty quieting their minds due to work-related stress or traumatic events.

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/20/well/mind/sleep-cognitive-shuffling.html