A comet-like fireball fell to earth in Russia’s remote region of Yakutia on December 4, according to a Reuters report. The asteroid, estimated to be 70 cm across, burned up the atmosphere and lit up the sky, visible to residents in the Lensk and Olekminsk districts.
According to the emergencies ministry in the region, all official bodies were placed on alert due to the asteroid’s appearance in the sky. However, no damage was reported after it crashed, according to Reuters.
The European Space Agency (ESA) predicted the impact with an accuracy of within 10 seconds, thanks to observations from astronomers around the world. The asteroid entered Earth’s atmosphere at 1.15 am local time, creating a fireball visible for hundreds of kilometers in Yakutia.
Locals and space enthusiasts shared eyewitness videos on social media platforms, marveling at the spectacle. Astronomer Alan Fitzsimmons described the asteroid as “a small one, but it will still be quite spectacular.” The incident was confirmed by multiple accounts, including those from security cameras and local residents.
Source: https://www.livemint.com/science/news/falling-asteroid-lights-up-sky-rural-russia-yakutia-locals-watch-comet-fireball-no-damage-world-science-space-video-news-11733293076285.html