Congestion Pricing May Boost Bus Speeds in Manhattan

New York City’s slowest bus route, the M50, may no longer hold that title thanks to congestion pricing. Since its introduction on Sunday, bus drivers and passengers report improved speeds, with one driver stating that he has never seen it this clear.

The MTA’s congestion pricing plan aims to alleviate traffic by charging drivers for entering certain areas of Manhattan during peak hours. The plan is already showing results, with the M50 averaging 5.1 miles per hour in rush-hour traffic, a significant improvement from its previous average speed of 4.6 miles per hour.

While it’s too early to tell if congestion pricing will reduce overall traffic, anecdotal evidence suggests that it’s making a positive impact on bus riders. Bus drivers and passengers describe feeling a noticeable difference in speed, especially on straightaways where detours are not needed.

However, the real challenge for MTA drivers remains the issue of double-parked cars and trucks taking up bus lanes. The agency is revamping its program to use automated enforcement cameras to address this problem, but the M50 will not be equipped with these cameras initially.

As congestion pricing continues to roll out, it’s clear that it has already made a positive impact on bus riders in Manhattan. While there are still concerns about the effectiveness of the plan and how funds will be allocated, initial results suggest that it may be a step in the right direction for reducing traffic congestion.
