Cracker Barrel Apologizes for Rude Service to Students with Disabilities

A group of students from Charles County Public Schools in Maryland visited a Cracker Barrel location as part of a special education program, but were denied service due to a staffing issue. The school district claims that the restaurant’s staff were “very rude” and refused to serve the group because they exceeded the seating capacity.

Cracker Barrel has apologized for the incident, stating that it was caused by a staffing challenge that day. However, parents of students with disabilities have expressed disappointment and concern over the restaurant’s handling of the situation.

The school district is offering to provide disability awareness training for the restaurant’s employees as part of an effort to make things right. The company has also agreed to meet with the parents of the affected students.

In response to the incident, some community members plan to host a rally and boycott the restaurant on December 15.
