Dad Given 12 Months to Live, Seeks New Treatment Hope

Des Longstaff, a 39-year-old landscaper from Blackpool, has been diagnosed with advanced stage four oesophageal adenocarcinoma. The cancer has spread to his liver and he is given just 12 months to live by the NHS. Despite this dire prognosis, Des’ family is exploring new treatment options in Germany, which may improve his chances of survival.

Des was diagnosed after experiencing a warning sign while eating a bacon and sausage sandwich at work. He noticed something lodged in his oesophagus and thought he might be choking. After visiting his doctor, an endoscopy revealed a 35cm tumour in his lower oesophagus. However, further scans showed the cancer had spread to his liver.

Des is now undergoing immunotherapy treatment and chemotherapy, but his doctor has told him it is palliative care aimed at keeping him comfortable rather than curing the cancer. Des’ family has set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for a 10-day procedure in Germany that could potentially extend his life expectancy.

The procedure, which costs €52,000 (approximately £43,000), targets specific dots on Des’ liver and aims to prevent the cancer from spreading further. Des is hopeful that this treatment will give him a better chance of survival and allow him to spend more time with his 5-year-old son. Donations are being accepted for the GoFundMe page, which has already raised over £31,000.
